Friday, July 8, 2011

burj dubai tower

On april 25, 2005, The High-Rise Pages was the first media source in the world to report about a possible redesign of Freedom Tower in New York City, in order to make it taller. Only few days after the press release of The High Rise Pages, official sources indeed announced that Freedom Tower will be redesigned! The official reason however is the security situation of the building. CNN and other media sources reported about the redesign of Freedom Tower, confirming the official statement that the redesign is meant to make the building safer.
However, it is said that the New York authorities have a very strong wish to bring back the title of the tallest building in the world to New York City. According to an anonymous US engineer that contacted The High-Rise Pages, the main objective of the redesign is to create possibilities to make the building taller than the design suggests, even after construction is well on its way!

The wish to have an "open end design" that can absorb additional floors during construction, is supposed to originate from the development of a huge tower in the Arab world, called Burj Dubai Tower. Burj Dubai Tower is under construction right now and will reach at 2313 feet when completed in 2008. Both the old and the new design of Freedom Tower suggest New York's future icon will 'only' stand 1776 feet (reflecting the year of independence). So judging by the design, America will lose with 537 feet (164 meters) from the United Arab Emirates. After analyzing the new design and the statements of Chief architect Childs and New York governor George Pataki, The High Rise Pages has reasons to believe that the redesign indeed is meant to make Freedom Tower the tallest building in the world! Read the headlines, rumors and facts and give us your opinion!

burj dubai tower

burj dubai tower UAE

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