The dubai city embraces a wide variety of scenery in a very small area. In a single day, the tourist can experience everything from rugged mountains and awe-inspiring sand dunes to sandy beaches and lush green parks, from dusty villages to luxurious residential districts and from ancient houses with windtowers to ultra-modern shopping malls.
The dubai city is both a dynamic international business centre and a laid-back tourist escape, Dubai city is unique flavour and personality, a cosmopolitan society with an international lifestyle, yet with a culture deeply rooted in the Islamic traditions of Arabia.
Dubai Hotel
A Welcoming Environment - Expatriates and foreign visitors (both male and female) can enjoy a relaxed and pleasant lif estyle in Dubai, UAE. There is virtually no crime, the city is clean, there are few traffic jams, hotels and accommodation are modern and spacious, surprisingly to many, the climate is not only tolerable, but also extremely pleasant for most of the year.
There are many clubs and societies in Dubai City, UAE. Freedom of worship is allowed to all religions, and Christian churches have existed in Dubai City for many years. Foreign newspapers, magazines, films and videos are readily available. Alcohol may be consumed at home, in hotels, and on licensed club premises. Women can drive and move about unaccompanied.
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